From my former industry, I brought different new perspectives and approaches to Astorius. Today, I am a passionate private equity investor myself.


Nadine Büttner

Office Management
Phone: +49 (40) 468 99 13-20

Joined the Office Management Team at Astorius in 2019.

From my first career in the hotel industry, I bring the distinctive service culture and process orientation from the best hotels to Astorius. Together with Jennifer Eiberg, Lisa Turban and Kristin Wagenknecht, I am responsible for the administration of the ongoing fund and office operations and am the contact person for our intermediary partners.

After my training as a hotel manager, I completed further training as a hotel manager at the Hotel Management School in Heidelberg, specialising in human resources and labour law. After that, I worked for several years in hotels in Germany and abroad. Among other things, I was assistant to the management, completed a management trainee programme and implemented various organisational and administrative initiatives as a project assistant.

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